Runewright The Witcher 3 Guide
Last update: Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Runewright is a new element introduced in The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone expansion. It allows you to upgrade the selected weapon or armor. It's an alternative to runes/glyphs. With the latter, a runewright can create runic words thanks to which the upgraded item - instead of a small upgrade given by the runes - will obtain special bonuses.
There are few things you should know before starting. Most of all, using a runic formula on a selected item makes it impossible to use any additional runes. There are three upgrade levels available, but higher doesn't necessarily mean better (check the table at the end of the chapter). It's an option only for rich players - reaching each next level is very expensive. The runewright can consume all your hardly earned money. For an item to be enchanted, it must have sockets for runes. The number of sockets determine the maximum level of the upgrade. The runewright can also add new rune sockets to an item. The more valuable the item, the more expensive it is to add another socket or enchantment - it can cost from one hundred to even few thousand of crowns. Because of that, it is wise to make sure that item selected for the enchantment will serve you for a long time, so that you avoid wasting money.

To start your fun with runewright, you must complete two side quests: Enchanting: Start-up Costs and Enchanting: Quality Has its Price. After these quests you can combine first level runic words. To get to level two and three you must pay 10 000 and 15 000 crowns to the runewright. The tables below show upgrades available on different levels.
Armor enchanting - spell list
Spell name | Level | Effect | Required ingredients |
Retribution | 3 | 30% chance for reflecting part of enemy's damage | Greater Glyphs: Quen. Igni. Reinforcement |
Levity | 3 | All armor pieces are considered as light armor | Greater Glyphs: Aard, Mending, Reinforcement |
Possession | 3 | Enemy killed under Axii influence moves the effect to a next one. The effect lasts 2 seconds longer when you are hit by an enemy. | Greater Glyphs: Axii, Aard, Binding |
Eruption | 3 | Enemy killed by Igni explodes, burning other opponents. | Greater Glyphs: Igni, Quen, Reinforcement |
Protection | 2 | When a battle starts, Quen shield activates. | Glyphs: Quen, Yrden, Warding |
Balance | 2 | All armor pieces are considered as medium armor | Glyphs: Axii, Mending, Reinforcement |
Rotation | 2 | Igni doesn't set enemies on fire but deals damage to all enemies around. | Glyphs: Igni, Binding, Reinforcement |
Beguilement | 2 | Casted Axii works 2 seconds longer when you are hit. | Glyphs: Axii, Igni, Mending |
Entanglement | 2 | Enemy caught with Yrden triggers creation of a trap in that place. | Glyphs: Yrden, Axii, Binding |
Depletion | 1 | Enemy hit with Aard has -50% resistance | Lesser Glyphs: Aard, Axii, Reinforcement |
Heft | 1 | All armor parts are considered as heavy armor | Lesser Glyphs: Quen, Mending, Reinforcement |
Ignition | 1 | Enemy burned with Igni has 25% chance to set other enemies in range of 2 meters on fire | Lesser Glyphs: Igni, Yrden, Warding |
Deflection | 1 | Armor deflects all non-magic bullets | Lesser Glyphs: Aard, Warding, Reinforcement |
Usurpation | 1 | Dying enemy that is under Axii influence moves the curse on the next target | Lesser Glyphs: Axii, Binding, Reinforcement |
Sword enchanting - spell list
Spell name | Level | Effect | Required ingredients |
Replenishment | 3 | Casting signs uses Adrenaline Point and fills the sword with power unleashed during the next attack | Greater Runestones: Triglav, Morana, Dazhbog |
Invigoration | 3 | During battle, stamina addition above the maximum level is transformed into additional damage (up to +50%) | Greater Runestones: Devana, Zoria, Perun |
Prolongation | 3 | Unblocked hit increases the time during which potion's effect lasts by 0,5 second | Greater Runestones: Morana, Perun, Svarog |
Severance | 2 | Increases the reach of Whirl skill by 1,1 meter and Rend skill by 1,9 meter | Runestones: Zoria, Veles, Perun |
Rejuvenation | 2 | A hit that kills an enemy regenerates 25% stamina | Runestones: Perun, Svarog, Stribog |
Elation | 2 | A hit that kills an enemy adds 0,1-0,25 Adrenaline point | Runestones: Dazhbog, Veles, Devana |
Preservation | 1 | +10% boosts (grindstone, armor table) are permanent | Lesser Runestones: Svarog, Devana, Morana |
Dumplings | 1 | Food replenishes 100% more health (however, everything starts to taste like dumplings) | Lesser Runestones: Pyerog, Pyerog, Tvarog |
Placation | 1 | Once you reach maximum number of Adrenaline points, it will start dropping down to zero, increasing your health and stamina regeneration and reducing potion toxicity. | Lesser Runestones: Devana, Morana, Stribog |