Abilities useful in the beginning of the game in Divinity Original Sin 2 Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide, walkthrough
Last update: Monday, March 9, 2020
In Divinity Original Sin 2 there is a tremendous amount of special abilities, spells and skills that you can get through specific weapons. However, there are a few abilities that are worth paying attention to in the beginning of the game - thanks to them you can make the first few hours of the game much easier and turn the more difficult fights into a cakewalk. This page of the guide contains a table with 10 such abilities along with their descriptions and reasons for using them.
Warning - if you have a problem with finding a trader that offers particular skill books then you should check out the chapter that contains the map of Fort Joy.
Icon | Name + description | Why you should use this ability? | How to get it |
![]() | Peace of Mind - inflicts Clear Minded status for 3 turns. Removes Blinded, Terrified, Charmed, Taunted, Sleeping, Enraged and Mad effects and, at the same time, it increases Strength, Finesse, Intelligence by 2 and Wits by 5. | One of the best buffs in the entire game - it only costs 1 AP and increases all key stats by a good amount. This ability's strong point is that it removes most of effects that hinder character's movement. Recommended to mages, archers and assassins. | Fort Joy - Stingtail |
![]() | Elemental Totem - summons a totem, its type depends on a surface on which it appeared and its stats are connected to Summoning ability of a character that used it. This totem automatically performs one ranged attack per turn. | At a first glance, the cost of this ability and stats of a summoned totem may not be that impressive, however, this is one of more interesting abilities in the game. Each character can summon up to 3 totems (1 per each turn) and single totem can deal damage only slightly lower than those of a character. You should carefully choose a surface on which you want to summon a totem (it uses an element on which it was created) and place them in such places that would give them advantage - for example on a hill. Recommended for mages and characters with high Summoning attribute. | Fort Joy - Nebora |
![]() | Conjure Incarnate - allows to summon a creature, its type depends on a surface on which it appeared Its stats scale to Summoning ability of a character that casted the spell. This creature can be further strengthened by other abilities from Summoning school. | A spell similar to the one described above, however, this creature uses melee attacks and a player has full control over it. This is a perfect ability to draw attention from other characters - enemies have a weird tendency to focus their attacks on this creature. It deals rather good damage and gets abilities that are connected to the element on which it was summoned - such as Fireball when we summon it on fire or Restoration when it appears in water. In default, the creature has Taunt ability that forces enemies to attack it. Recommended for mages and characters with high Summoning attribute. | Fort Joy - Nebora |
![]() | Tentacle Lash - performs a mid-range attack that deals physical damage and inflicts Atrophy status. Atrophy renders enemies unable to use their weapons for one turn. The damage of this ability increases accordingly to user's Strength attribute. | A very useful ability, especially when used by a warrior that has a lot of Strength. It allows you to reach enemies at a medium distance, deal a lot of damage and inflict a powerful effect, Atrophy. This status renders enemies to be unable to use their weapons - a warrior runs around without their sword and shield and an archer won't be able to shoot. Recommended for characters with high Strength attribute. | Fort Joy - Doctor Leste |
![]() | Bull Horns - Horns grow out from character's head; Retribution ability is increased by 1 point and that character gets access to Bull Rush ability. Bull Rush allows you to charge at enemies, deal Pure Damage to all of them and inflict Bleeding. | One of the most unique abilities in the game but not because of a change in appearance but because of the addition of Bull Rush ability. It allows you to charge at enemies and deal Pure Damage - they ignore both physical and magic armor. This ability is perfect for a warrior because its damage scales with Strength attribute. Activation is free, Bull Rush costs you 2 AP. | Fort Joy - Doctor Leste |
![]() | Fossil Strike - a character throws a giant rock that deals Earth damage and creates an Oil. | Another ability of which effectiveness doesn't depend on damage itself (although they are high) but on its additional effect - creating Oil. Oil makes all characters that stand on it move slower - it reduces their AP points and distance that they can travel. What is more, this effect can be inflicted regardless of enemy's armor status - it isn't blocked by magic nor physical armor. Fossil Strike is recommended for mages who use Geomancer school because the school and Intelligence attribute both have impact on its effectiveness. | Fort Joy - Maol |
![]() | Raise Bloated Corpse - allows you to revive a corpse and summon a creature that is controlled by a character. A creature can explode dealing physical damage. | One of the best abilities that are available from the start because it allows you to summon a creature and it costs only 1 AP! The only drawback is that it requires a corpse to summon it. You should use the detonation option - thanks to it you can harm even a few targets at the same time. | Fort Joy - Mona |
![]() | Teleportation - allows you to teleport a selected character or an item to a selected place. | Just like in the previous game, here, Teleportation is also a powerful ability which allows you to reach a place that, normally, you wouldn't be able to access (top of hills, behind bars). It also makes fights much easier. During fights, use it to move enemies that fight in close combat from your vulnerable units (mages and archers) as far as you can. You can also move key units from enemy forces, push archers from a cliff or place an enemy mage right next to your warrior. This ability is available when you reach level 2 of Aerotheurge, however, you can use an item called Gloves of Teleportation to get it faster. | Gloves of Teleportation item (available during "The Teleporter" quest) |
![]() | First Aid - allows you to restore a bit of health points. Removes Crippled, Knocked Down, Blind, Silence, Bleeding, Burning, Poisoned and Diseased effects. Inflicts Rested effect, increases Strength, Finesse and Intelligence attributes. | A powerful support ability that heals, strengthens and removes most of effects that hinder control over a character. It is especially useful for archers with Blind status (a character can't attack targets that are farther than a few meters). This ability can be used for dealing damage to Undead enemies and targets with Decaying effect - in both cases, a target will receive a lot of damage. | Fort Joy - Butter |
![]() | Restoration - inflicts restoration effect that restores a bit of health points per turn. Removes Bleeding and Poisoned effects. | Probably the most important ability in the beginning of the game. The spell can be used for regenerating health, damaging Undead or enemies with Decaying status. Another good point of this ability is the fact that it removes Poisoned and Bleeding effects which are frequently inflicted by enemies. | Fort Joy - Rezik Fort Joy - Margo (only this particular book) |
The abilities from this table are useful both in the beginning of the game and during later parts - they scale greatly with your characters' levels and lose their usefulness very slowly.