Cyberpunk 2077: How to make Credits / Euro-dollars? Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Quick Credits/Euro-dollars
Last update: Wednesday, November 2, 2022
On this page of the Cyberpunk 2077 game, we answer the question of how to collect credits/euro-dollars, the main currency in the game. We have described some ways to get rich faster. We also give you a hint on what to spend the credits in the first place. This knowledge is helpful during the first hours of the game when you don't have a lot of cash yet.
Credits - how to get them?

The most obvious way to get rich in Cyberpunk 2077 is to complete main and side missions, including optional events on the world map, for example, interventions by the request of the police - helping victims of robbery, neutralizing people affected by cyberpsychosis, or fighting organized crime.
Credits will be granted after completing the mission / event. As there is a lot of such activities on the world map, you can choose, for example, those missions that you feel best at, or those which completion will be easiest.

Another good method of obtaining credit is to find a large chest with credits - a container of this type is shown in the attached picture. You can find credit chests mainly in dangerous locations explored as part of quests or visited during free exploration of the game world. Look around in the rooms with the largest group of enemies, or those located at the very end of the hideout you examine. The scanner can help you to find the containers.
Of course, you can also find smaller packages of credits - they can be in sight or found on the corpses of defeated enemies. In the latter case, you can count on the biggest find by examining the bodies of bosses or some other elite opponents.

If you hack a lot, you can get rich by using the Breach Protocol. When hacking stationary devices, you can see a list of sequences – entering the correct characters is rewarded with a pack of Euro-dollars.
Quicksave before starting a mini-game in case you fail the Breach Protocol.

A slightly less profitable method of obtaining credits is to sell unnecessary equipment to merchants. This is because merchants do not offer good prices for the loot. Because the character's load limit is quite high (even before upgrades), it's worth collecting as many items as possible to sell them after the expedition.
In the late phase of the game, you can make even more money from selling useless items. Crazy Science perk from the Crafting category gives you (at least) 10% better prices for the items you have crafted.
Credits - on what to spend them first?

We recommend you first spend credits on cyberware offered by ripperdocs. V at the start of the game has no implants, and in the initial phase of the campaign, you will only receive two cyberware for free. You have to try to get other by yourself.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of cybeware are very expensive, even those less advanced available from the start, i.e. even before you start increasing V street cred. Try to gradually fill up the empty slots with new implants. For the most useful ones, you can also purchase cyberware mods to strengthen them or to add new functions. You can also find the mods with loot in the game world.

Another interesting idea for spending credits is to buy schemes of items that will enable to craft them. It is not worth buying 100% of the available schemes, only those that are most useful to you and are closest to your play style. For example, if you are going to develop your character for hacking, you will need schemes that allow you to produce hacks.
If you lack crafting materials, you can buy them, but try not to overdo it, because you will regularly change your equipment for the better.

We do not recommend to spend credits in the early stages of the game on:
- Common equipment (weapons, armor, etc.) - many of such items can be found in the game world as loot. Just remember to search the area and the bodies of eliminated enemies. In addition, ordinary items usually "do not last" for long, because as the character progress, their stats will be less and less helpful in killing enemies or providing sufficient protection of V.
- Disposable items - You can loot them. Especially different kinds of medications, because in almost every quest or enemy location, you can find many specifics to heal your character.
- Your own vehicles - Even the cheapest machines cost several thousand credits, and it can be too much expense during the first hours of the game. In the initial phase of the campaign, you will be able to use Jackie's car and motorcycle without any restrictions, and that should be enough. Cars can also be stolen from the street and the only drawback in this case is the lack of the option to summon them back.
Additional note about traders - In addition to lower quality equipment, you can also find legendary items (e.g. legendary weapons). However, they are very expensive and that their level is adjusted to V's current one. Using it for an extended period will require many upgrades. You can decide to buy the legendary items after making enough progress, i.e. after V gains more levels.