Cyberpunk 2077: Quests - basic information Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: Tuesday, January 5, 2021
On this page of our Cyberpunk 2077 guide, you will find basic information about the missions, their list, and walkthroughs for all main and side quests. This part of the guide will tell you how the tasks work and how to acquire them.
- Cyberpunk 2077: All main quests
- Cyberpunk 2077: All side quests
- Cyberpunk 2077: Cyberpsycho Sighting - mini-bosses
- Cyberpunk 2077: Gigs
- Cyberpunk 2077: NCPD Scanner Hustles
- Can you fail a quest?
- Are the quests performed in one specific way?
- How to unlock missions?
- Does the game contain notice boards?
- Can I finish the game without having to deal with all the quests?
- Unique dialog options
Cyberpunk 2077: All main quests
Quests in Cyberpunk 2077 are divided into main and side ones. You need to complete the main quests to finish the game. Side missions are completely optional.
Below you will find a list of the main quests:
Life path/origin quests
- The Nomad – the main quest in the Badlands district - this is the starting quest for the Nomad life path
- The Streetkid – the main quest taking place in the Heywood district – this is a starting quest for the Street Kid life path
- The Corpo-Rat – the main quest in the City Center district - this the starting quest for the Corporate life path.
Act 1
- The Ripperdoc
- The Ride
- The Information
- The Pickup
- The Heist
- Love Like Fire: Johnny Silverhand's first quest
Act 2
- Playing for Time
- Automatic Love
- The Space In Between
- Disasterpiece
- Double Life
- Ghost Town
- Lightning Breaks
- Life During Wartime
- Down on the Street
- Gimme Danger
- Play It Safe
- Search and Destroy
- M'ap Tann Pelen
- I Walk the Line
- Transmission
Act 3
- Nocturne OP55N1: this quest is a point of no return. This quest moves you to the game's finale.
Cooperation with Hanako and Arasaka Corporation
Cooperation with Panam and Aldecaldos
Johnny's cooperation with Rogue
Cyberpunk 2077: All side quests
Below you will find a list of side quests:
Exploring the world
- Burning Desire
- Sacrum Profanum
- Human Nature: this is Delamain's, an advanced AI's, first quest
- Tune Up
- Epistrophy
- Don't Lose Your Mind: this is Delamain's, a rebellious Artificial Intelligence, final quest
- Happy Together
- These Boots Are Made for Walkin'
- Big in Japan
- I can see clearly now
- The Ballad Of Buck Ravers
- The Highwayman
- The Beast In Me: a series of quests in which you participate in car races
- I Fought the Law - River: this is the first quest received from detective River Ward
- The Hunt - River
- Following the River - River: this is River Ward's last quest, which also gives you the chance to romance this character
- I'll fly away
- Dream On
- Sinnerman: this is the first of several quests related to Joshua
- There is a Light that Never Goes Out
- They Won't Go When I Go
- Space Odity
- A Day in the Life
- Ezekiel saw the wheel
- Imagine
- Machine Gun
- Only Pain
Main story quests
- Heroes: this is the epilogue of Jackie's, V's friend, storyline
- Both Sides, Now - Judy: this is the first of several quests received from Judy Alvarez, a friendly braindance editor
- Ex-Factor - Judy
- Talkin' Bout a Revolution - Judy
- Pisces - Judy
- Pyramid Song - Judy: this is Judy's last quest, which also gives you the chance to have a relationship with her
- Riders on the Storm - Panam: this is the first of several quests received from Panam Palmer, a mercenary, whom V meets during the main plot
- With a Little Help from My Friends - Panam
- Queen of the Highway - Panam: this is Panam's last quest, which also gives you the chance to have a relationship with her
- Chippin' In - Rogue and Johnny
- Blistering Love - Rogue and Johnny
- Holdin' On - Kerry
- Second Conflict - Kerry
- A Like Supreme - Kerry
- Sturm Und Drang - Kerry
- I Don't Wanna Hear It - Kerry
- Off the Leash - Kerry
- Boat Drinks - Kerry
Cyberpunk 2077: Cyberpsycho Sighting - mini-bosses
- Cyberpsychos - who are they? - We described the main assumptions of the fights against cyberpsychos - bosses. You will also learn how to find them
- Lt. Mower
- Six Feet Under
- Ticket to the Major Leagues
- Where the Bodies Hit the Floor
- Demons of War
- Bloody Ritual
- House on a Hill
- Second Chances
- Smoke on the Water
- Lex Talionis
- The Wasteland
- Discount Doc
- Too Little, Too Late
- Letter of the Law
- Seaside Cafe
- The Phantom of Night City
- On Deaf Ears
Cyberpunk 2077: Gigs
Santo Domingo
City Center
Cyberpunk 2077: NCPD Scanner Hustles
Can you fail a quest?
You can fail a section or a whole quest, this affects the story and your relations with encountered characters.
Are the quests performed in one specific way?
No. Missions can be completed in a variety of ways. You can find a different route to your objective, kill opponents silently or engage in an all-out firefight. Our Cyberpunk 2077 guide contains all available paths for every task.
How to unlock missions?
You can unlock missions while exploring the world. This means that some activities can lead to unlocking additional tasks.
The tasks are received from various characters encountered during the game, or through SMS.
Does the game contain notice boards?
No, there are no notice boards like the ones from The Witcher.
Can I finish the game without having to deal with all the quests?
As can easily be imagined, yes. However, you'll miss out on a lot of content prepared by the developers. In addition, skipping additional quests can slow down the development of the character, making later story missions more difficult.
Unique dialog options

During the meetings with NPC, you can notice some unique dialog options. They are divided into three main categories:
- Unique options associated with the selected origin (for example, Street Kid). They can appear in conversations in which, for example, the hero can demonstrate their knowledge of the topic or detect that the interlocutor is trying to trick them.
- Unique options require you to make a decision within a given time limit. If you don't choose this option in time, V can decide how to behave on their own, and that choice doesn't necessarily have to appeal to you. It is worth noting that even with regular dialogue options, the lack of a quick answer can visibly irritate the person you are speaking with. In critical situations, a lack of reaction can even get the main character killed.
- Unique options related to the use of objects from the environment (the spot where the conversation takes place). They can influence the outcome of a given meeting.