God of War Ragnarok: Interactive map - Vanaheim God of War Ragnarok guide
This interactive map for God of War Ragnarok shows Vanaheim. We inform you about the locations of secrets and collectibles (Nornir Chests, Artefacts, Lore, Odin's Ravens and more). We also marked quest locations, optional activities and fast Mystic Gateways. The guide will help you complete Vanaheim in 100%.
Last update: Tuesday, November 8, 2022
This page of the God of War Ragnarok game guide contains a high-quality interactive map of the Vanaheim realm - one of the lands available in the game. We have marked all important locations on the map - these include secrets and collectibles, side activities, favors (optional quests) and mystic gateways (fast travel). Using our interactive map will help you explore Vanaheim in 100 percent.
First visit to Vanaheim in main story

Vanaheim is a land consisting of jungles and rivers that can be traversed by boat. There you will meet Freyr and other allies, but also enemies and bosses that must be defeated. It is 1 of 9 worlds you can explore.
The first visit to Vanaheim takes place in The Reckoning main quest, in which Kratos' goal is to find the source of Freya's curse. Much of Vanaheim will still be blocked off at that time meaning your exploration will be limited.
The second visit to Vanaheim during the storyline is in the Creatures of Prophecy main quest. Kratos will by then have the Draupnir spear and the option to use 2 types of arrows. This will enable you to reach previously inaccessible places.
Collectibles and side activities

You can find different types of secrets while exploring Vanaheim. These include:
- Artifacts;
- Lore;
- Odin's Ravens;
- Nornir Chests;
- Legendary chests.
There are also various optional activities to unlock in Vanaheim and these include:
- Yggdrasil Rifts;
- Draugr Holes;
- Berserker Gravestones.
Hidden areas

On your second visit to Vanaheim, you will learn how to use Celestial Altars - they change the time of day in this realm. This is not just a cosmetic change, as some areas are only unlocked at certain times of the day. Otherwise, there may be an indestructible obstacle protecting access to a particular location.

There are several larger optional areas in Vanaheim. These are:
- Goddess Falls in the southern part of the map -You need to solve the puzzle of lowering the large gate on the river.
- The Crater in the northern part of the map - Heroes will be able to get there only after unlocking the "flying boat".