Cyberpunk 2077: Sinnerman walkthrough Cyberpunk 2077 guide, walkthrough
Last update: Friday, February 12, 2021
On this page of the Cyberpunk 2077 guide you can find a walkthrough of the Sinnerman Side Job. This is the first quest in which Joshua Stephenson appears. From our guide, you will learn, among other things, how to behave during the first meeting with Joshua - this is crucial, as some of V's reactions may end the task prematurely.

How to start the quest: The opportunity to start this mission will appear no sooner than after completing the Main Job Life During Wartime. V should receive a call from Wakako Okada, who will ask them to dispose of the murderer. You have to agree to the job and you will be given the client's name, which is Bill Jablonsky.
The meeting with Bill will occur in the Arroyo sub-district in Santo Domingo. When you get there, sit on the bench to automatically skip time until Bill arrives. Discuss the contract killing with him, then sit behind the wheel of his car.

Wait until the NCPD police car arrives and set off in pursuit of it. You mustn't lose track of the police car, as it would lead to failing the entire job. Simply continue driving behind the police car until it stops at a certain point. You will be instructed by Bill to stop your car as well.

Bill Jablonsky will want to murder Joshua, but Lieutenant Vasquez, who is charged with protecting Joshua, will command Bill to stop. This confrontation can be resolved in several ways:
- Attacking Joshua and Vasquez - The best thing to do in this case is to react before Bill is shot. The quest will end prematurely.
- Ignoring Vasquez's command - this will result in V being attacked - you can either return fire or run away. Bill will most likely die and the quest will end prematurely.
- Staying in place and watching the scene unfold- Bill will be shot by Vasquez. You will be able to approach the vehicle and talk to Joshua. This is the only option that lets you initiate Joshua's story line.

If Joshua is killed, you can get paid by Wakako for the finished job. However, you will miss out on the opportunity to take part in two more Side Jobs involving Joshua.
If you have chosen the last of the three options, you can approach Joshua (after the quest objective gets updated!) and talk to him. You will be invited for a car ride and, in order to continue this storyline, accept the invitation. This will continue the storyline by starting the job titled There is a Light that Never Goes Out - we described it in a separate section of the walkthrough.