God of War Ragnarok: Interactive map - Alfheim God of War Ragnarok guide
This interactive map for God of War Ragnarok shows Alfheim. We have compiled the locations of secrets and collectibles (Nornir Chests, Artefacts, Lore, Odin's Ravens and more). We also marked quest locations, optional activities and Mystic Gateways. Using the guide will help you to complete Alfheim in 100%.
Last update: Tuesday, November 8, 2022
On this page of the God of War Ragnarok game guide, you will find a high-quality interactive map of Alfheim - the land of elves. We have marked all important locations on the map - these include secrets and collectibles, side activities, favors (optional quests) and mystic gateways (fast travel). Our interactive map will make it easier for you to complete Alfheim in 100 percent.
First visit to Alfheim in main story

Alfheim is the land of elves in God of War Ragnarok. There you can encounter both elves of light and dark elves. It is 1 of 9 worlds you can explore.
The first visit to Alfheim takes place during the Groa's Secret main quest. This quest is done early in the story and is about visiting the Temple of Light to reach the altar of Groa. The game forces you to follow a pre-determined route in this quest and this means that optional exploration is limited. You will gain more freedom after leaving the Light Well and completing the main mission.
Remember that not all areas of Alfheim are available right away. Some of them are inaccessible until you make enough progress in the story. Kratos may not yet, e.g. have a spear used for exploration.
Collectibles and side activities

You can find different types of secrets while exploring Alfheim. These include:
- Artifacts;
- Lore;
- Odin's Ravens;
- Nornir Chests;
- Legendary chests.
There are also various optional activities to unlock in Alfheim and these include:
- Yggdrasil Rifts;
- Draugr Holes;
- Berserker Gravestones.
Hidden areas

You will gain access to the new regions of Alfheim after completing the Groa's Secret quest. One of the dwarves will inform the heroes about the option of passing through the Canyons. This path leads to a larger desert area - the Wastelands. You can explore the area with a sled or by traveling on foot. It has new side quests and activities, as well as new collectibles.
Another optional area is the Alfheim Desert. You can visit this location as part of going through the Elven Sanctuary side quest - we described it in our solo.