Hogwarts Legacy: Hogsmeade Valley - all Merlin Trials Hogwarts Legacy guide
In the region of Hogsmeade Valle you can find five Merlin Trials. On this page of the guide to Hogwarts Legacy you will learn about where to find them and how to solve them.
Last update: Wednesday, February 15, 2023
This page of our Hogwarts Legacy guide lists the locations of all five Merlin Trials in the Hogsmeade Valley Region. We also supply walkthroughs for the individual trials.
Merlin Trial #1

Link to the map: Merlin Trial - Hogsmeade Valley #1
Go to the place marked on the picture (yellow arrow) That's where you'll find the first Merlin Trial in Hogsmeade Valley.

Activating it summons five stone objects you must destroy with a powerful spell. Confringo is a perfect fit. If you're having trouble locating them, cast Revelio.
Merlin Trial #2

Link to the map: Merlin Trial - Hogsmeade Valley #2
Merlin's Trial is north of the East Hogsmade Valley Floo Flame.

Three basins will spawn nearby, which you must light up. Confringo is the best spell for the job. The task might be problematic, as the flame goes out quickly.

The basins are also relatively far away from each other. You should start at the place we pointed at in the picture with a yellow arrow. One of the basins is behind the stone hill. If you have access to a broom, use it to fly over there.

Then cast Confringo at the bowl and quickly jump off the hill to ignite the remaining two basins. Doing so completes the Merlin Trial.
Merlin Trial #3

Link to the map: Merlin Trial - Hogsmeade Valley #3
Merlin's Trial is to the northwest of Falbarton Castle Floo Flame.

There's a huge stone ball to the right of the Trial's starting point. You must push it until it rolls all the way down and into the small depression in the ground. Depulso and Confringo are ideal here.

Once the ball starts rolling down, go down and stand near the depression. This will let you control it and make sure it reaches its destination.
Merlin Trial #4

Link to the map: Merlin Trial - Hogsmeade Valley #4
Merlin's Trial is north of Falbarton Castle Floo Flame.

The fast travel point is on the bridge, but to reach the Merlin Trial you must go under the bridge (watch out for the enemies).

A bit ahead you'll notice a grate you must destroy. Even a basic attack will do. Crouch and go through, then head left while climbing up the hills.

Activate the Merlin Trial spawns three stone blocks. This time they can't be destroyed. Instead, you must lead the flying butterflies to them. Lumos is the perfect spell for the job.

Once the butterflies start following your wand, insert them into the block by approaching it. You must repeat this two more times.
Merlin Trial #5

Link to the map: Merlin Trial - Hogsmeade Valley #5
Merlin's Trial is south of the East Hogsmeade Valley Floo Flame.

Just like in the previous puzzle, here you will have to lead the butterflies with the Lumos spell to stone objects. This time there are a lot of enemies nearby, so get rid of them first.