AC Odyssey: Attika, Side Quests Assassin's Creed Odyssey Guide and Walkthrough
Last update: Tuesday, December 27, 2022
This chapter of Assassin's Creed: Odyssey walkthrough includes the description of all side quests available at Phokis.
- Creating Opportunity
- A friend in need...
- Heitor's Gonna Hate
- For the People
- He, who stops
- The Liberator
- Citizenship Test
- Witness Him
- Free Speech
- On a High Horse
- A Life's Worth.
Creating Opportunity
This quest starts: At Athens Metropolis.
Description: You will meet Demosthenes near the center. He will ask you for your help in the fight against Spartans. You have to collect three Spartan seals - you acquire them after defeating any Spartan Polemarchs that reside at Spartan strongholds. You can complete this task at your leisure while visiting other regions of the in-game world.
A friend in need...

This quest starts: At the abandoned farmlands, after talking to Heitor.

Description: Your main task is to retrieve Heitor's Sword. This item can be found at Fort Phyle. There is a challenging battle with enemy soldiers waiting for you unless you decide to steal the weapon and escape. You can lie to Heitor that you did not find the sword or return it to him. Reward: 8000 XP.
Heitor's Gonna Hate

This quest starts: When you talk to Heitor after completing the previous quest.
Description: This time around, Heitor asks you to find and free a mercenary. You can find him in the east at the Rhamnous Military Camp. As usual, you have to defeat the guards and release the man from the cage. Then, escort him to his boat. Upon reaching it you will meet Heitor - the man wants to... kill the mercenary! Turns out this man has a hidden agenda.

You can let Heitor kill the mercenary or tell him it makes no sense. Your choice determines who is left alive. Regardless of your decision, you earn 6400 XP.
For the People

This quest starts: After talking to Kleon when you finish the Welcome to Athens quest.
Description: Attika is occupied and Kleon asks you to break the Spartan assault. This is a long and difficult quest in which you have to enter Spartan war camps, destroy their supplies and kill their Polemarchs.

You can light the supplies with the torch. When it comes to Polemarchs, it is best to attack them by surprise to weaken them significantly. After you weaken the enemy enough, return to Kleon and accept the reward: 6000 XP.
He, who stops

This quest starts: After you complete the previous quest and talk to Kleon.
Description: Now the time has come to find and rescue Kleon's messenger. You have to get to the Mt. Pentelikos Marble Quarry, where you will encounter a lot of enemies, so make sure to act incognito. If you prefer to engage in large battles, though, you can kill all the enemies in that location. Approach the corpses of a hanged man and interact with it to complete this quest and earn 8625 XP.
The Liberator
This quest starts: After you complete the previous quest.
Description: You could not save the messenger, however, you can rescue the Captain. Below your position, you can find the cage with the man trapped inside. You have to pick him up and carry him outside the camp. Talk to the man - he will ask you to carry him to his ship. Carry him to the indicated location.

Now, you have to free members of his crew and kill six Spartan soldiers. Nothing simpler - leave the captain in a save place and handle the killing spree.

Finally, you have to find the ship. To do this, you need to get onboard your ship, track, and sink an enemy vessel. After doing so, return to captain and then Kleon. Now, you finish this long quest and earn i.e. 8625 XP.
Citizenship Test

This quest starts: After you complete all main quests in chapter 4 and talk to Alkibiades.
Description: Simple task. Go to Agora and write a name of recommended person on the list. Return to the man and receive: 5625 XP.
Witness Him

This quest starts: After you complete the previous quest and talk to Alkibiades.
Description: You have to find the witness somewhere around Agora. Talk to the man - you can encourage him to cooperate with threats or money. You can also decide that the "citizen" is not worthy of his rights. Return to Alkibiades and report everything to him to earn 7500 XP.
Free Speech

This quest starts: After you complete Alkibiades's quests and talk to Aristophanes.
Description: Go to Hermippos's Villa. Inside, you will encounter a lot of guards - defeat or sneak past them. Then, find your way upwards - you will find clues where the man you are looking for might be. Report to the person assigning this quest - you will learn the identity of a new Kosmos Cultist and complete this quest. Reward: 8100 XP.
On a High Horse

This quest starts: After you complete previous quests and talk to Sokrates.
Description: Go to the horse thief - he will start running the moment he spots you. Chase him, however, do not attack. After a while, he will stop and you will be able to talk to him. Return to Sokrates and inform him about the decision - whether the thief had the right to steal and what should become of him. You earn 10125 XP.
A Life's Worth.

This quest starts: After you complete previous quests and talk to the slave in the south.
Description: Talk to the slave about his life, and then go to his master. He will reveal himself to be a Kosmos Cultist - he will tell you that if he dies, his slave will never be free. However, if you kill a woman for him, he will free the slave. After a while, you will see Sokrates, talk to him. During this conversation, you can choose how to proceed. Regardless of your decision, it is worth to kill the cultist to facilitate killing the rest of the cultists in the future. You earn 10125 XP.