Hogwarts Legacy: Ancient Magic Hotspots Part 1 Hogwarts Legacy guide
In Legacy of Hogwarts, you can collect 20 Ancient Magic Hotspots. From this page of the guide, you will learn how to get additional Ancient Magic.
Last update: Tuesday, March 28, 2023
On this page of our Hogwarts Legacy guide, you can find the locations of all Ancient Magic Hotspots in the Highlands region. Our guide will help you in collecting Ancient Magic bits and provide solutions for any environmental puzzles you may come upon.
This Chapter is divided into two parts - on this page, you can find Hotspots #1 through #10, the remaining ones (#11 - #20) can be found on Ancient Magic Hotspots Part 2 page.
- How to claim Ancient Magic Hotspots?
- Ancient Magic Hotspot #1
- Ancient Magic Hotspot #2
- Ancient Magic Hotspot #3
- Ancient Magic Hotspot #4
- Ancient Magic Hotspot #5
- Ancient Magic Hotspot #6
- Ancient Magic Hotspot #7
- Ancient Magic Hotspot #8
- Ancient Magic Hotspot #9
- Ancient Magic Hotspot #10
How to claim Ancient Magic Hotspots?
There are 20 Ancient Magic Hotspots in Hogwarts Legacy, and they are a collectible unique to the Highlands region. Hotspots are marked on your minimap and world map once you find yourself in their vicinity - all is left to do is to claim them.
After a certain amount of completed Hotspots, your Ancient Magic Meter will be increased.
Here are the thresholds:
- 2 Hotspots (+1 to Meter),
- 6 Hotspots (+1 to Meter),
- 12 Hotspots (+1 to Meter).
After claiming enough Hotspots, your hero can have a total of 4 Ancient Magic bars. After receiving the notification that a threshold has been passed, go to menu -> challenges -> exploration and accept the reward.

After reaching the vicinity of an Ancient Magic Hotspot, follow the traces that appear on the ground, then investigate the Hotspot. Once interacted, 3 blue lines will spring out from the Hotspot, which you need to follow and collect the magic bits at the end of each of them.
To make matters easier, use Revelio and remember that some areas are only accessible by broom.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #1

Region: Forbidden Forest.
Once you reach the area, defeat all encountered spiders and interact with the Hotspot.

The first object will be to the right side of the Hotspot. Another is right nearby.

The last object is on a wooden platform, which you can access by climbing the nearby chests.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #2

Region: Forbidden Forest.

Interact with the frog statue by the wall on the right and pick up the first object. Return to the starting point.

Interact with the statue next to the door on the right and continue forward. Turn left and pick up the second object. Alternatively, you can fly up to this area with broom.

Go back to the starting point and use the statue on the wall on the left to pick up the last object.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #3

Region: Hogsmeade Valley.

Climb the ladder next to the main gate. Follow the path laid out by the platform and use a fire spell on the vines obscuring the arch. Collect the first bit.

Climb the wooden platforms and collect the second object. Get down and use Accio or Confringo on the crane. When the hole becomes open, get down and pick up the final object.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #4

Region: North Hogwarts Region.

Use a fire spell to remove the vines and go through the arch. Pick up the first object.

Scan the area with Revelio and destroy the highlighted platform with Accio or Depulso. Jump down and pick up the second object, which is hidden by the sarcophagus.

Pull 2 levers with Accio and pick up the final bit.

Lift the bones from the sarcophagus with Leviosa and place them by the exit - the bones will form stairs for you to use. Another set of bones can be found in one of the hiding places. Place them at the exit and leave the vault.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #5

Region: Hogwarts Valley.

Scan the area and find the chest highlighted in blue . Use Depulso on the planks and use Wingardium Leviosa to move the chest to the castle walls as shown in the screenshot above.
Once the chest is by the wall, use Levioso on it. Climb on it and get to the higher ground. Jump down and pick up the first object.

Return to the starting point and climb the platform on the left. Alternatively, you can just fly up there with broom.
Use any fire spell on the vines and get inside to pick up the second object.

The third bit is in the tower ruins. The easiest way of accessing this object is by switching to broom.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #6

Region: Hogwarts Valley.
Start by clearing the area of wolves. The Hotspot is on the wooden platform. To climb it, find the ladder, and destroy the overgrowth with any fire spell.

Jump down and scan the area. Find the crate highlighted in blue, free the nearby door and move the crate to the wooden platform.
Climb up the planks and the ladder to find the first object. Go down the stairs and use Depulso on the gate mechanism to open it.

The second object is behind another gate. To get it, use Depulso on the mechanism on the right side of the gate and go inside.

Open the gate on the left and go outside. Turn right and circle the building. Remove the overgrowth and climb the ladder. The next ladder will lead you to the top of the structure.

Remove the overgrowth with a fire spell and collect the final object.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #7

Region: Hogwarts Valley.
These ruins have lot of spiders inhabiting them. Defeat all of them to be able to look for the Hotspot safely.

The first object is right next to the starting point. Remove the cobwebs with a fire spell and proceed forward.

You'll find the second bit nearby.

The last object is in the building. Find the wooden platform at the back of the ruins and remove the cobweb. Climb even higher and continue along the roof. Go through a hole in the wall and pick up the object.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #8

Region: Hogwarts Valley.
You will encounter a group of Ashwinders here. Defeat all opponents first and then interact with the Hotspot.

Approach the building on the right and remove the vines obscuring the entrance. Walk under the planks and pick up the first object hidden behind the wooden crates.

Use Accio on the handle and wait for the platform to lower. Go inside and pick up the second object.

Climb the ladder to get the last bit.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #9

Region: Hogwarts Valley.

The first object is on top of the chimney of the destroyed house. Switch to broom and fly up.

Turn left and fly forward a bit. The second bit is by the path.

Turn around and fly back to the building ruins. The third object is in the clearing.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #10

Region: Hogwarts Valley.

Remove the vines and go inside. The first object will be on the right.

Move the crate to the platform and lift it up with Levioso. Climb up and find the ladder. Alternatively, fly up to this area on broom.

Get to the top of the building. The second object is on a wooden platform. The last object is under the Astronomy Table. Move the chest with Accio and get under the platform.